In 2018 I was asked by my talented friend Lili Payne Lennox if I could help with a sketch for a mural for her client at Rosedale Center. A newly designed food court was being created and she needed art of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox eating some ramen noodles. I created a sketch and she painted it and, in my opinion, made it even better!
Unfortunately, Revolution Hall in Rosedale Center did not last although it was a good concept. It had a variety of restaurants you would not normally see in an interesting and well designed space. It may be opening again in the future but only time will tell with the pandemic of COVID-19.
The mall liked the art and wanted to theme a children’s play area using local tall tale characters, Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox! Lili connected with me once again to create more artwork! She worked with other talented artists (like local muralist, Tina Yager) to create a fun place at the mall for parents and children to play and engage in Paul and Babe’s story! They created oversized props to accompany panels that had my illustrations and a story. I used a limited color palette because Lili and her team were using wood panels with colored stain to obtain the look they wanted.
Paul Bunyan and Babe Art for Little Loggers Play Area

Photos of the Play Area

It was fun to collaborate with other artists to create a fun unique place for family’s to hang out! 🙂
For more information on the Little Loggers Play Area, click HERE!
For more information about Rosedale Center, Click HERE!
Check out Lili Payne Lennox’s work! She is a very highly skilled painter!